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곡제목 Hold Back The River [-1키] -멜로디MR
가수 이주혁, 신광일, 신예찬
음정 -1키 4:25
장르 가요 구분 Lite MR
가사 Tried to keep you close to me
But life got in between
Tried to square not being there
But think that I should have been
Hold back the river
Let me look in your eyes
Hold back the river so I
Can stop for a minute
And see where you hide
Hold back the river hold back
Once upon a dear friend life
We rode our bikes into the sky
With love we call against the tide
Those distant days are flashing by
Hold back the river
Let me look in your eyes
Hold back the river so I
Can stop for a minute
And be at your side
Hold back the river hold back
Lonely water
Lonely water wont you let us wander
Let us hold each other
Lonely water
Lonely water wont you let us wander
Let us hold each other
Hold back the river
Let me look in your eyes
Hold back the river so I
Can stop for a minute
And be at your side
Hold back the river hold back
(Lonely water)
Hold back the river
Let me look in your eyes
Hold back the river so I
(Let us wander)
Can stop for a minute
And see where you hide
Hold back the river hold back
(Yeah no)
이주혁, 신광일, 신예찬 가수의 MR은 총 8 곡이 있습니다.
이주혁, 신광일, 신예찬 Hold Back The River [-1키] -멜로디MR MR
이주혁, 신광일, 신예찬 Hold Back The River [원키] -멜로디MR MR
이주혁, 신광일, 신예찬 Hold Back The River [-1키] MR MR
이주혁, 신광일, 신예찬 Hold Back The River [원키] MR MR
이주혁, 신광일, 신예찬 Swim [-1키] -멜로디MR MR
이주혁, 신광일, 신예찬 Swim [원키] -멜로디MR MR
이주혁, 신광일, 신예찬 Swim [-1키] MR MR
이주혁, 신광일, 신예찬 Swim [원키] MR MR